Saturday, 12 November 2011

How to edit our wiki

I've just sent some information related to "how to edit a wiki" to our group (just a few tips), just in case anyone will need some help to start editing our wiki.

1. How to edit a page.
2. How to re-order the pages inside a sidebar.
3. How to customize our wiki.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Other partners interested in joining our project

Before going to Sandefjord, as soon as our school sent our application for the Contact Seminar, our NA asked us to post our interest in setting up a Grundtvig project in "etwining" and other websites, so we could contact possible partners.

I received lots of emails, one of them, from Esin, the Turkish girl who we met at Sandefjord. I replied to all of them saying we'll wait until the Seminar took place.

I keep on receiving proposals of partnerships, some of them, from partners from other European countries not represented in our team. I'll copy&paste some of them in a message sent to our Group (staff room). They are from Czech, Romania, Italy, Lithuania and Hungary.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Application form

On 6 November 2011 18:18, valerie siondecine wrote:
Dear European partners

I have posted on the page staff room an example of the application form (e-form).
Very soon I will send you a 'word' form of the application form and you will have to send me the information.
Do not forget to post all your ideas in the different topics, Anabel has created ...
have a nice day

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Communication tools

During the Contact Seminar, we agreed on having a wiki site where we can collect all documents and information about our project. I've already set up the wiki ( ).

Every partner is getting a gmail account ready, so we all can built our wiki and add content to our sections.

The teachers' forum is also created ( It will be useful to exchange information in an organized way, as soon as all the partners have sent me their gmail account.

The students' wikis will be created when the project starts, but there's a place ready in our wiki site to link them.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Contact Seminar (Sandefjord, Norway) - October 2011

These are my notes:

- peer-mentoring = students supporting students

- Communication tools:

      -> Teachers' wiki (upload documents, forum, contents, calendar, deadlines, ...)
      -> Students' wiki (contents, links to Facebook, documents, calendar, forum, ...)
      -> Individual blogs (link to teachers' wiki)
      -> Facebook (students introducing themselves, videoclips, ...)

- Mobilities:

      -> 12 mobilities in 2 years (1 mobility = 1 trip / 1 person)
      -> saving expenses (each country can maximize the number of students in each trip)
      -> 1st mobility (kickoff): France, in February (only staff)
      -> host (organized visit) - guests (pay their expenses)

"Learning partnership" application form:

- mín 3 partners from 3 different countries
- 2-year projects
- deadline for the application: Feb 2012
- "Learning partnership" objectives:

       -> learning form each other                                
       -> students & staff exchanges                            
       -> cooperate in theme of common interest         
       -> easy to manage for the grant holders                
       -> managed by the National Agencies               
       -> active learners' involvement
       -> mobilities included
       -> staff and organizational development (exchange, develop, test and put into practice)
      -> new pedagogical methods and approaches


- have more than one contact person in every institution we're working with.
- anchor tasks and objectives.
- there must be an added value.
- "International Assessment of Adult Competences" (PIAAC) ->