Monday, 5 December 2011

School project: Basic Skills

Our school is planning a project related to "Basic Skills", to be put into practice from January to June 2011.

Our idea is:
  • Start a task-based project as a basis for studying and getting as much information as we can, about our environment and cultural data: Güímar Valley.
  • We'll visit cultural places situated in the Valley to get information about ancient and actual jobs in the Valley, endemic flora and fauna, geology of the place (volcanic eruptions, ravins, hydric resources, etc), local agriculture, livestock activities, history (ancient inhabitants and activities they perfomed).
  • All that information will be recorded in a wiki and personal blogs by the students, both in Spanish and English.
  • Visits just done: "Casa de las Miquelas" (Candelaria), "La Caseta del Peón Caminero" (Candelaria)
  • Planned visits: Barranco de Badajoz
  • Bibliography related to economic issues in Güímar Valley.
  • Web pages related to "Güímar Valley: economic and cultural activities"
  • Support from local institutions: Arafo, Arico, Candelaria and Güímar Town Halls, Social services, Jobs agencies, etc
  • Interviews to old people from the Valley, about ancient jobs and activities.
Final objective:

- Share the wiki and blogs with the community
- Get ready to start our Grundtvig project in 2011-2012, related to "Entrepreneurship", using "Peermentoring" as a group technic to develop the project.