Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Written and Oral Presentations (Communication skills)

1. Individual activity. Each student will write about a subject he/she knows about (something done at work, or as a hobby, or any topic the student is an expert about) and later he/she'll present it to the rest of the class, so we all can learn something different from a school subject.

2. First of all they read about "presentations": definition and parts of it (title, introduction, body, conclusion). They learnt they should look up for information related to their topic, such as further studies, statistics or anything to support their presentations.

3. They chose a topic to write and talk about.

4. They chose media to support their presentations: some of them created a powerpoint file; others, a folder with numbered pictures in in; some of them chose a couple of pictures from "Google Images" online. All of the used the digital board to display their files and images.

5. The class evaluated positively their job, and there was a self-evaluation too.

Topics presented: Life in a hive; Medical herbs; Pitbull breeds; A plastic island in the Indian Sea; Competition pidgeons; Making aluminium profiles; Chess; Basketball; Mayan calendar; Gyms and fitness; ...

Evaluation criteria: 20 (feeling at ease in well-known contexts); 13 (expressing ideas using visual support); 9 (using ICT with educational purposes).

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Family tree

1- Previously we'd learnt the vocabulary related to "members of the family" ("Learning chocolate"), practising pronunciation and focusing on the family outline.
2- Groups of three students: student1 draws student3's family tree, and student2 asks student3 questions about his/her family.
3- Two students and I roleplayed the dialogue and draw my family tree in front of the rest of the class, so the other students could understand the aim of the group work.
4- Brainstorming (possible questions to be asked):
What's your .............. 's name? / Have you got any ......................? / Are you married?
5- Teams played their roles. Once they'd drawn the first family tree, they exchanged roles and drew the other students' family trees.
6- Each team introduced each of its members' family to the rest of the class.
7- I recorded them while working.

Descriptors: 20 (team work), 16 (motivated to learn)

Friday, 12 October 2012

Organizing peermentoring with a new group of students

12 Oct 2012

1-Al grupo Candelaria-Nocturno (I) se incorporaron ayer 5 personas nuevas. Como era el tercer día de clase les di fotocopias de lo que habíamos dado los dos días anteriores y los apuntes que habíamos trabajado en clase
2- tendrían que copiarlos de los alumnos que vinieron.
3-Dimos temario nuevo y trabajaron estupendamente, activos, participativos ... se ayudaban entre ellos, me preguntaban... ¡perfecto!
4-Les dije que la próxima semana no tenían clase y el motivo y entonces se me ocurrió plantearles que ellos podrían venir el jueves una hora y media para copiar los apuntes que le faltan y hacer juntos la nueva tarea. Les encantó, los vi comprometidos y enseguida se organizaron.
5-Juan Carlos, no podía venir y les dejó los apuntes.
6-Kevín se hizo responsable de custodiar los apuntes, buscó una bolsa donde llevarlos.
7-Enfín que les dejé la hoja de firma.
8-El grupo que era de 3, ha pasado a ser de 8, pero solo van a ir 5. Quedaron a las 19:00h que es cuando tienen Lengua-Literatura.
9-A esa hora está en Candelaria una chica de prolongación que da inglés a FBI (II), creo que se llama Elizabeth. Se le podría decir que les echara un ojo.
10-Luego a los 20:00h llega Manuel y a las 21:00 llega Esther (los tres son de prolongación). Ellos solo van a estar una hora y media.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

El habla canaria (2)

1- Oral interaction: "What do you remember about Pedro García Cabrera?" -> We remember pieces of information about him.
2- Written test: "Phonetic and grammatical features of Canarian language". I handed out similar but different tests to each pair of students, so they could talk about what they were expected to answer.
3- Reading: "Como un árbol" (P. García Cabrera): meaning, spelling, new vocabulary, differences between prose and poetry.
4- Video: "Silbo gomero". We watched just a few minutes and I asked them to watch it at home (EpaVirtual)
5- Dictation: We read aloud (whole class) a pdf about "Silbo Gomero" which is in EpaVirtual. We paid attention to difficult spelling and took note of it. Then I dictated them some sentences.
6-Tarea: a) Write two sentences with every mistake from the dictation. b) Watch "Poemas musicados de García Cabrera" (EpaVirtual), choose a poem and write it down.

Descriptors no.: 8 (Busca y selecciona info en distintas fuentes), 17 (test: integra nuevas informaciones).

Monday, 8 October 2012

Letter to a penfriend (First Contact)

1- Nigel's penfriend's letter (MALTED): fill in activity+correction handouts.
2-Write a letter to a penfriend (Nigel) using Nigel's letter an an example.
3-  HW: Introduce yourself in EpaVirtual forum ("First Contact") using the letter to Nigel you wrote in class, as a model.
4- HW: Watch "YouTube The Pen Friends" at home (EpaVirtual)
5- Saxon genitive: we practise using Nigel's letter to revise that function.
6- Groups: They rehearsed how to introduce themselves and we recorded videoclips of each group's introduction, so we can take those recordings to Bourges and share them with our partners.

Descriptors no. 1(interpreta correctamente textos reales y académicos), 16(muestra motivación por el aprendizaje).

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

First meeting: Bourges

Our students recorded some videos introducing themselves, so we could take them to Bourges (France).
Some French students recorded their own introduction.

Monday, 1 October 2012

El habla canaria (1)

1-Corregir tarea: 2 oraciones por cada falta gramatical del dictado.
2- El Habla Canaria (Team Work): 8 grupos, cada uno interpreta y ejemplifica un rasgo fónico o gramatical dado. (Este contenido se encuentra en EpaVirtual)
3-Exposición oral sobre el trabajo realizado.
4- Dictado. Tomar notas:
podcast sobre Pedro García Cabrera. Redactarlo con propiedad.

Descriptors no. 3 (exposiciones orales), 21 (comportamiento consciente y responsable)

Introduce yourself

1- Correct Homework (Personal Info_HW.doc + listening audio files in EpaVirtual)
2- eBeam "Teacher&student's interview" (slides 3,4,5)+ listen to interview.mp3+ handouts.
3-Vocabulary games: family tree, colours, school subjects + handouts

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Personal information

1- Slide: myself+pieces of personal info around me (name, surname, tel, address, favourite colour, favourite drink)

2-Pairwork: what questions will you ask to get that info? Write them down.
3- Groups of 4: comment on the diff questions you may ask
4-Ask me
5- Watch "What's your name?"  clip: listen and repeat.
6- Hand-out ("What's your name?" clip)
7-Game: line-up according to sts' first name (sts ask each other's name and shake hands)
8- Now they ask the previous partner some personal info.
9- Each student introduce his/her partner.
10-Watch+Listen "Nice to meet you" clip
11-Paiwork: handout (transcription)+Role-playing the dialogue.
12-Homework: handout (grammar, exercises, vocabulary, reading)+ audio files (Virtual class)
Descriptors no.: 1-2-16-18-20

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Basic Skills (DESCRIPTORS)

Competencia en Comunicación Lingüística (CCL)
1-Comprende el propósito de la información de instrucciones orales en situaciones de aula interpretando correctamente textos reales y académicos.
2-Describe de manera ordenada propiedades de objetos y procesos naturales del ámbito personal y escolar.
3-Expone con claridad hechos de la actualidad, social, política y cultural, y elabora opiniones sobre experiencias propias en debates, exposiciones orales y escritas.
Competencia Matemática (CM)
4-Realiza tablas y gráficas con datos reales sobre diferentes temas del entorno físico y cultural, y expresa regularidades y relaciones a partir de la información relevante que extrae de ellas.
Competencia en el Conocimiento y la Interacción con el Mundo Físico (CIMF)
5-Realiza investigaciones reflejando el desarrollo y las conclusiones en un informe completo.
6-Sitúa e indica rutas con o sin mapas para resolver tareas del entorno cercano y mundial.
7-Promueve y practica un estilo de vida saludable y, a partir de ejemplos conocidos, plantea acciones dirigidas hacia el desarrollo sostenible, manteniendo una postura crítica hacia las consecuencias medioambientales de las actividades humanas.
Tratamiento de la Información y Competencia Digital (TICD)
8-Busca y selecciona información en distintas fuentes y soportes, aplicando criterios, la organiza y contrasta usando pautas para realizar sencillas investigaciones y extraer conclusiones que plasma en informes o trabajos realizados con herramientas multimedia, procesadores de texto, hojas de cálculo y presentaciones.
9-Utiliza Internet, redes interactivas y herramientas de comunicación con fines educativos, personales o sociales para intercambiar información, realizar trabajos cooperativos, participar en foros  y enviar actividades y tareas.
Competencia Social y Ciudadana (CSC)
10-Valora la igualdad de derechos entre los miembros de diferentes grupos sociales y adopta una actitud constructiva ante los conflictos que se le plantean en la vida escolar promoviendo su resolución pacífica.
11-Respeta a todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa defendiendo los valores y principios democráticos de libertad, igualdad, solidaridad, paz, justicia y tolerancia.
12-Reconoce las repercusiones de hechos históricos y avances científicos significativos en la evolución de las sociedades actuales.
Competencia Cultural y Artística (CCA)
13-Comunica sus ideas, de forma individual o grupal, en producciones musicales, literarias, plásticas, visuales y audiovisuales elementales, utilizando técnicas e instrumentos artísticos e informáticos de uso escolar.
14-Participa como público en actividades culturales que escoge o se le proponen, como visitas a museos, exposiciones, conciertos, comunicando su opinión.
15-Muestra respeto y cuidado hacia el patrimonio artístico como fuente de enriquecimiento y disfrute.
Competencia para Aprender a Aprender (CPAAP)
16-Muestra un nivel de motivación por el aprendizaje que le permite ser consciente de lo que comprende y de lo que ignora en situaciones concretas.
17-Integra nuevas informaciones pudiendo re-elaborar planteamientos previos con cierto grado de flexibilidad, reconoce e implementa alternativas de mejora.
18-Toma notas y apuntes, selecciona, organiza y archiva la información necesaria con criterio propio usando estrategias y técnicas de estudio adecuadas y utiliza de manera autónoma agendas y recordatorios para planificar sus actividades, tiempos de estudio y repasos.
19-En sus trabajos y producciones, valora la importancia de la revisión y corrección, y sigue sistemáticamente indicaciones de presentación, elaboración propia de contenidos, bibliografía o webgrafía.
Autonomía e Iniciativa Personal (AIP)
20-Se desenvuelve con seguridad en contextos conocidos y con personas de su confianza expresa sus ideas, acepta las contribuciones de sus compañeros y compañeras y desarrolla cualquier función asignada en el equipo superándose en la consecución de objetivos académicos y personales.
21-Ajusta su comportamiento a las normas en cualquier contexto y muestra un comportamiento consciente y responsable de sus actos.
22-Toma decisiones relacionadas con su vida y estudios analizando la oferta disponible y resuelve problemas de la vida cotidiana valorando consejos de iguales y de personas adultas.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

"H.E.L.P. Project", accepted. Timeline.

Our institution has been accepted as a partner in "Helping to Educate Learners with Peer-mentoring" Project. Now we're arranging the first meeting. It will be held in France, in October 2012.

At school, we've been collecting online information about peer-teaching and peer-mentoring, and we've designed a Language activity following those trends.

We've created an online timeline to record our steps:

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Léxico canario

1- Vídeo "Canarismos": tomar nota de todos los canarismos que se nombran, a modo de actividad tipo "dictado" (fijarse bien en la ortografía).
2- Grupos de 4 alumnos: preparar un listado de 6 u 8 canarismos, añadiendo su definición (la que aporte el grupo o busquen en el diccionario) + Puesta en común.
3- Grupos de 4 alumnos: fotocopia de léxico canario, para que los miembros del grupo lo clasifiquen según su categoría gramatical (sustantivo, adjetivo, verbo)  + Puesta en común.
4- Debate: clarificar los conceptos de "sustantivo", "adjetivo" y "verbo". Definir algunos de los canarismos.
5- Grupos de 4 alumnos: componer oraciones con diferentes canarismos. Dictar al resto de la clase las oraciones de todos los grupos. Intercambiarse los dictados de un grupo a otro y corregir los errores. Poner en la pizarra las palabras que se escribieron incorrectamente.
6- Tarea: traer oraciones con cada una de las palabras anotadas como resultado del dictado.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Arafo+Mytilini Skype videoconference

Yesterday we had a Skype videoconference at 5 pm (7 pm in Greece). I recorded part of it using Jing. It's 225 Mb so I'll edit it and cut into pieces so we can upload it and share it.

I used my laptop and a webcam. We were thirteen in Arafo and twelve (I think) in Mytilini.

Our students introduced themselves and we asked each other a few questions related to our personal background.

My students liked the experience and asked me to try again. This was the first videoconference for most of them and they felt a little shy.

We arrived at 4 pm and practised a little guessing the kind of questions we could ask and answer.
I wrote some netiquette tips on the board, such as "Speak English only", " Be quiet while somebody's talking", "Ask one question at least", and several possible questions to ask and answer.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Arafo and Güímar's students: handouts for the first activity

I've already started to work with my Arafo and Güímar's students! :) I gave them the hand-outs with the descriptions and showed them how to get to the wiki and listen to the recordings.

I asked them to start at home, so they can listen to the recordings at ease and try to fill in the descriptions. Next week we'll work in groups and share the results.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Activity2: chart -> the participants' data

1- While students listen to the recordings, they can fill this chart in individually, in pairs or groups.

2- There will be empty cells at the end of the activity: that's an amount of information they may ask each other through videoconference, apart from other information they may be interested in knowing about the Greek students.

Flipping the classroom

Articles and videos related to this technic:

Thursday, 23 February 2012

ACTIVITY 1: Listen and fill in the blanks

1- Students will listen to the participants' recordings and fill the gaps in the right descriptions.
2- We'll print the descriptions, so they can work individually or in small groups, listening and filling in the blanks.
3- We'll check everything in big group, and comment on the vocabulary, expressions, cultural references, pronunciation, and everything related to the recordings and written descriptions.

Let's meet wiki -> Participants' pics

We've uploaded a slideshow with the first photos taken to our students.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

"Let's meet" wiki -> uploading files

We're just getting the first activity ready:

1- "My Portrait and Daily Routine" page is designed. There are three sections on each page: "Our names", "Our recordings" and "Fill in the gaps about ourselves".
2- We're uploading audio files in an aleatory way, and the participants' writing, in an aleatory way too.
3- Participants will listen to each recording and fill the blanks, identifying the different speakers.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Application Form ready to be sent

Valérie has sent us all the application form. It's also uploaded onto our dropbox folder AND onto our wiki site.

Today we've printed all documents, Asun has signed them all as the principal, and everything's ready. On Monday morning I'll post OAPEE (our National Agency) and OPEEC (our Local Agency).

Acronym for our project

We've being exchanging emails to set an acronym for our project. We've even created a poll with suggestions and we've been voting.

At last we decided "HELP" which stands for "Helping to Educate Learners with Peer-mentoring". It was the most voted option.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

"Let's meet" wiki dropbox

Vasiliki and I are sharing a dropbox folder to upload our students' pictures, recordings and writings.

We're "inviting" our learners to our wiki, as editors, so they can add content to it.

By now, we've taking pictures of them while working on the project and we've got some of their writings and recordings ready.

G2 Section: Group Work

In CEPA Güímar, we've agreed on the "Group Work" G2 section, related to the planned activities to fulfill during October 2013 visit to Tenerife.

<>   <>   <>  
Project meeting 4




Welcome activity: local authorities and CEPA Güímar students involved

Day 1


Visit guided by Ministerio de Medioambiente Nacional (« National Environment ») to Teide National Park showing their marketing activities to foster European tourism in the island of Tenerife, volcanic issue, exploitation of water resources, local flora and fauna, etc

Day 1

Team Work: exchange of information about the work done along 2012 on our “peermentoring” project, done by each partner’s students (presentations, materials, outcomes)

Day 2


Visit guided by CEPA Güímar’s students around the town and surrounding area

Day 2


Meeting with local “Young Entrepreneurship” authorities: their activities and plans to foster entrepreneurship

Day 3

Team work : Feedback, agreements, development of contents in each participating country, development of peermentoring objectives and  strategies, updating our wiki site, preparation of next visit.

Days 3 & 4


Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Grundtvig app: getting ready to be sent

Valérie has collected all the ideas and suggestions we all members have sent her to fill in the application in the previous weeks, and today Valérie has sent us the draft so we can comment on it and improve it, change details, or anything.

I've sent my colleagues at CEPA Güímar those documents (related to section D), so they can have a look at the draft, comment on it and see if everything's OK.

We have an information to add: the wiki we've created for Vasiliki's students and mine introduce each other ("Let's meet each other").

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Our "Let's meet" wiki (1)

We're getting the wiki ready to be used by students:

Monday, 16 January 2012

Students' introduction activity

Ayse (Turkey), Vasiliki (Greece) and me have started an "introduce yourselves" activity, so our students can meet each other through their recorded individual presentations, matching others' personal information to their shared pictures. It's like a game to start getting in touch. The final aim is meeting through videoconference using Skype: groups of 5 or 6 students will meet and match recordings and pictures, as they chat a little asking questions each other.

We've shared a folder in "DROPBOX" where we'll upload pictures, writings and voice recordings. And there's also a wikispace where information will be displayed (it's a private site).

I'll work with some of my groups (Arafo, Guimar II, Guimar Tarde). I've already asked them to write about themselves and their family (personal info, routine, free time activities,...) and record that information, so we can upload and share writings and voice recordings.

Sunday, 15 January 2012


Valérie has created a shared folder in DROPBOX, so we can upload our versions of the Grundtvig application:

Friday, 13 January 2012

Grundtvig application 2012

We've opened a dropbox account to share what each partner is filling in the application, as there are common parts of it which have to be completed.