Tuesday, 24 December 2013

WhatsApp - Feedback 1 (17 Dec- 24 Dec 2013)

We've got two different whatsapp groups: one for Güímar III Class and another one for Güímar IV Class.
Everybody has joined the group and most of them participate. We started on 16th December using whatsapp.

Previously we've agreed on helping each other correct their spelling mistakes by writing the correct word followed by # or *

This "correcting activity" is working just a bit. I mean, there are only a few corrections. Learners seem reluctant to correct their classmates' mistakes.

I've saved both conversations (erasing everybody's names), I mean, only what was written, so we can use those posts in class later in January, and work with that document, in groups, paying attention to what's written.

Both conversations (download)

Monday, 16 December 2013

WhatsApp group as a way to improve Spanish spelling through Peer-mentoring

"WhatsApp" group as a tool to improve Spanish spelling through Peer-mentoring.

This is a proposal that emerged in Spanish Language and Literature lessons, with Classes III and IV of Güímar Morning. Our aim is  self-correcting spelling mistakes ("Peer-mentoring") using one of the most popular social networks: WhatsApp.

Today we have created two "Whatsapp" groups, to provide an educational target to that application (WhatsApp), apart from socializing and being in touch.

The purpose and justification of this peer-mentoring activity

- "Improving Spanish spelling" is part of the Spanish syllabus for Secondary Education, and Spanish Languague and Literature is obviuosly the subject where we pay special attention on this feature.

- We introduced several digital articles related to the convinience of spelling correctly in order to have a chance get a job (Curriculum Vitae), to offer a good public image of oneself on the web, such as Facebook, forums, blogs, twitter, etc., and to help our partners and friends not to make spelling mistakes by means of posting or emailing correct texts.

-Those articles confirm the fact that you learn to spell correctly when you read correct words. And the opposite: if you are constantly reading mispellings, that's what you learn, and you'll mispell too. AND you contaminate your chats and emails with mispellings, which means you are harming your friends' spelling. This is where PEER-MENTORING can be a useful tool.

Here's the digital material we read together in class:

1. http://blog.lengua-e.com/2007/ortografia-correo-electronico-chat-messenger-y-sms/)
2. http://es.finance.yahoo.com/blogs/fineconomiaparatodoses/letra-paro-entra-ortograf-fundamental-encontrar-trabajo-181043078.html
3. http://www.cronicaeconomica.com/articulo.asp?idarticulo=59866

And here's our learners' conclusions, agreements and challenges, after reading and commenting those articicles:

- All of our learners have smart phones and all of them use whatsapp everyday and at every time. 

- They recognized how important it is to spell correctly: the curriculum vitae is their presentation card when applying for a job; people may have a poor impression of a person who mispells; they don't read much and use whatsapp everyday instead, so this activity can help them to improve their spelling.

- They admit they don't pay attention to what they write, and they read lots of mispells at any time.

- We can whatsapp regularly so we can help each other to correct one's mispellings.

- That correction will be the right word followed by # or *