Tuesday, 16 December 2014

OAPEE awards CEPA Güímar during "Jornadas de difusión Erasmus+"

OAPEE (the Spanish National Agency for European Educational Programmes) has awarded CEPA Güímar for the quality of the projet we have developed between 2012 and 2014 as a Learning Association (Grundtvig) together with five European partners.
It's a national prize awarded by PAP (Lifelong Learning Programme) on 16th December 2014.

Premio PAP al CEPA Güímar - Diciembre 2014

Saturday, 13 September 2014

European Shared Treasure (EST)

Base de datos europea donde se muestran todas las actividades y productos realizados por las instituciones educativas a lo largo de un proyecto.

Aquí CEPA Güímar muestra el trabajo realizado durante estos dos cursos en nuestra Asociación de Aprendizaje (Grundtvig) denominada "How to Educate Learners through Peermentoring" (Tutorización /Aprendizaje entre Iguales):

Sunday, 11 May 2014

VI Meeting: Portlaoise, Ireland (May 2014)

All partners had our last meeting in Portlaoise, Ireland.

The Spanish delegates were: Alexandra de León Rocío (teacher), Lucía Daher Santos (learner), Vanesa Durá Vivas (learner), Rocío Álvarez Palenzuela (learner) and Anabel Coello (teacher).

Click on the link below to see the photo album of the mobility.

Presentación del CEPA Güímar durante el encuentro en Portlaoise (Ireland)

Explicamos cómo y cuándo comenzó este proyecto, el desarrollo del mismo hasta 
este momento (último encuentro del proyecto), características de nuestro centro educativo, qué tipo de enseñanzas impartimos, y explicamos las actividades más 
importantes llevadas a cabo en relación a la "Tutorización / aprendizaje entre 
iguales", que es el tema de nuestra Asociación de Aprendizaje.



Wednesday, 16 April 2014

"What we do"

CEPA Güímar

CEPA Güímar is an Adult Learning Centre in Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). Most of our students are Secondary Education learners. We’ve been working on how to teach and learn through peer-mentoring, which is the objective of our Grundtvig Learning Association, since September 2012 on. That means that we’ve been developing strategies and activities to do so.
Here is an extract  of every methodological approach we’ve undertaken. Below each summary there’s a link to click and visit our blog, with all information related .


-> “Teams of experts

It has been developed in our school in the following way:
  • DEFINITION: Teams of students become “experts” in a given subject or topic. That way they can share their knowledge and abilities with their classmates. In other words, their partners will learn from those “teams of experts“, which rotate with every different chosen topic.
  • Every student has the chance to belong to a “team of experts”.
  • The topic each team becomes “an expert” in, is provided by the teacher, and it’s part of Secondary Education syllabus for adult education.
  • We’ve taken notes of several sessions in our blog:
  1. Spanish Language and Literature
  2. English Language

->”Using a blog to do a Market Research

Our institution chose “Entrepreneurship” among other basic skills to focus on peer-mentoring activities, and we organized this one to accomplish that objective.
We created a blog (http://cepaguimar2012.blogspot.com.es/) and we gave content to it from several school subjects, so we had Spanish syllabus as a reference.


 -> Mathematical Olympiad

Our learners participated last year in the Second Edition, and they got good marks. So we’ll participate on the Third Mathematical Olympiad this year.
An advanced Maths learner is mentoring their partners once a week, so they can solve Maths problems, similiar to those solved in previous editions and new ones too, of course. The aim is getting ready for the contest, thanks to peer-mentoring, and at the same time, stimulating our learners’ Maths talent and skills. The Olympiad will be held in May. We’re using the Evaluation Survey we agreed in Germany.

-> WhatsApp group as a way to improve Spanish spelling through Peer-mentoring

The purpose and justification of this peer-mentoring activity
- “Improving Spanish spelling” is part of the Spanish syllabus for Secondary Education, and Spanish Languague and Literature is obviuosly the subject where we pay special attention on this feature.
- We introduced several digital articles related to the convinience of spelling correctly in order to have a chance get a job (Curriculum Vitae), to offer a good public image of oneself on the web, such as Facebook, forums, blogs, twitter, etc., and to help our partners and friends not to make spelling mistakes by means of posting or emailing correct texts.
-Those articles confirm the fact that you learn to spell correctly when you read correct words. And the opposite: if you are constantly reading mispellings, that’s what you learn, and you’ll mispell too. AND you contaminate your chats and emails with mispellings, which means you are harming your friends’ spelling. This is where PEER-MENTORING can be a useful tool.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

V Meeting: London

CEPA Güímar's delegates (Mary Carmen Gil Hernández, Iván Jesús Rodríguez and Anabel Coello) met our partners in London in February 2014.

We introduced our institution, talked about our job during last term and our job so far.
Here is our presentation.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Mathematical Olympiad

2012 was the first time a Mathematical Olympiad for Adult Learning Schools was held in Spain. It was organized by “Isaac Newton Teachers of Mathematic Society", in Tenerife. Our learners participated last year in the Second Edition, and they got good marks. So we'll participate on the Third Mathematical Olympiad this year. We've learned from our European colleagues in relation to using Peer-mentoring as a weekly activity held by a mentor. This technic has been tested by most of them and it works. We also wanted to include it in our school, and the Mathematical Olympiad is a good chance for doing so. An advanced Maths learner is mentoring their partners once a week, so they can solve Maths problems, similiar to those solved in previous editions and new ones too, of course. The aim is getting ready for the contest, thanks to peer-mentoring, and at the same time, stimulating our learners' Maths talent and skills. The Olympiad will be held in May. We're using the Evaluation Survey we agreed in Germany.